My First Post

Hello all my brothers and sister,This is my first post about my profil first.I start to write this blog when i'm 18 years old.I love writing in English but i love indonesian as well.I want to devote my mind in this blog.Many things that i want to share like my experience,programming(i like to create program),and others( i can't explain) hehehe.... :D
I have good family,we are five people.There are father,mother,sister,younger sisterand me.I'm second child from three brothers.We live in Indonesian a beautiful country with many difference culture.Exactly Surabaya is my home.Surabaya is hot sometimes when summer is coming.There are many malls there like TP(Tunjungan Plasa),ITC,CW,Galaxy Mall,PTC,and others.

My first and last school until i was Senior High School is SMU Sasana Bhakti Surabaya.Now i am studying in University of Widya Kartika Surabaya.I take Informatica Technology as my department.I like to write code in computer and it maybe my passion.Java is programming language that i am learning.

I hope this blog can make you get many information.There is no other words i can say again thank you for revisting my blog GBU.

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