Application Example Using Framework Hibernate And Spring

When I study java day by day I realize that I need to use framework.Because technology now is much faster than we are realizing.When I browse to look for some information about java there are many tools that we can build to create a good java program.Lately I found a good picture that discribe technology java in 2014

As you can see that spring and hibernate are still favorite framework for developing application now.

Today I'm gonna share application that I have created with my friends.This program we create simple and easy to understand.Luckily we use frameworks that make our project must follow their convention.Like creating dao(data access object),creating many package,and etc.

If you want to learn how to use framewok java I would like to recommend you to read book java desktop by ifnu bima indonesia book.If you're looking for english book there are plenty in google i have searched it.You can learn java framework from web too :D that helps us to learn wherever we are.

This is what my program looks like :

When i use github as place to upload my program :

I have uploaded my program to github so that I can make contribution to you.I just learn how to use github to upload my projects.I was using command prompt to upload that,that's cool.In my program im using indonesia language to name classes,attribute,and method.What I wish you could understand the structure of program code.It can be benefit for your projects.I use application GUI netbeans to create my project.I have included libraries so that you don't need to include them manually.The size of this program is approximate 27.2 mb included libraries.My database I use mysql and I have included it in folder projects so you must import it first.

This is link my repository in github

I hope it can be useful to you
keep sharing :D

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