
Showing posts from October, 2018

Use Mode No Disturb in iPhone for Gamers

If you play game in mobile phone like PUBG Mobile or Mobile Legends. Sometimes your phone get call or annoying notif that you want to let go. There is a simple way to do that. It uses feature Do Not Disturb. It will silence your calls and notifications while you're playing games. It's cool right. To do that you swipe from bottom of your screen select this and to turn off just click the icon again.

How to Make Blur around Square Overlay QRCodeReader iOS

My friend asked me how to make background blur and make only center square camera that's not blur. It's like the screenshoot below. BTW i use QRCodeReader library and i can't find a config to do this. So i tried to do by myself and finally i found the way. I'm gonna share to you guys. 

Flip UICollectionView to Make Like Gallery Photos in iOS

Have you ever think to make your app like gallery photo app in iOS. It looks cool right. Maybe you use function scrollToBottom that you find on google. But it's not best way for me. Because the scroll is not smooth like i want. I want precisely like gallery photo apple does. Here's the screenshoot what i mean :

My Solution to Background Task Can't be More Than 3 Minutes iOS

If you use UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier for your background task like long download that i did. When the phone is off or the phone is screen lock, the app will crash if it's longer than 3 minutes or limited time. You can find detail on . This is the explanation from apple why they limit our background task. Always try to avoid doing any background work unless doing so improves the overall user experience. An app might move to the background because the user launched a different app or because the user locked the device and is not using it right now. In both situations, the user is signaling that your app does not need to be doing any meaningful work right now. Continuing to run in such conditions will only drain the device’s battery and might lead the user to force quit your app altogether. So be mindful about the work you do in the ba

App Get Rejected from AppStore Because of Crash

If you have an app that you can run on your device but when you send your app to app store you get rejected. I got the file crash that apple sent to their webiste Itunes. So i tried to read it and i'm still confused because i still doesn't understand the errors. I used this way  to read the crash report. Don't forget to rename the crash report with crash extension .crash. The next day i got the error more specific when the crash happened from apple. I still find the way out to fix it. After i follow the instruction to run the app into iPad. I really found the crash and it's simple to fix it. Because in iPhone the problem didn't show up. So yeah finally the app show up on AppStore now. Thanks for visiting this website. Hope i will always can help you.

Three Times Chicken Dinner - PUBG Mobile

Yes, it's lucky day for me. I was only playing a few times this day and I got three chicken dinner. Here's full video that i wanna share with you. First I'm duo team in Sanhok.

iOS APP Build Success But Not Receive in Testflight

This is weird problem that i faced yesterday. I upload my app through Xcode and the message said it was success but with warning not errors. After i waited for hours i couldn't find it in iTunes Connect website. So i uploaded again but still no builds found.

Check Wifi On or Off Swift 4.2 Xcode 10

If you search on the internet, many website don't work for newest iOS. Finally i found the simple way to implement it. I found it on stackoverflow but still need a little bit change. You just need to change awd10 to en0. Full code :

Error FacebookCore, FacebookLogin and FacebookShare Library in Xcode 10

After i updated some project, i found the errors whom my program used library Facebook. Although i used "POD update" to renew but still it got the errors. Finally i got the way, you need to include the facebook library manually. Download it on facebook developer page. Add the library to your project and add manually from your xcode. Click right click on your project inside xcode and choose Add files to "Your project name".