How to Make Blinking TextView Android

Good day guys, It's the second of week on 2020 year. We need a good boost to start every day to do something good way. I listened to many new songs and old song too. It's good to refresh my brain to think. Creating an new article every week it's not easy though. I need a problem to solve haha. Maybe I will share what game that I am playing on the next article.

We can see how many visitor in our blog, for me it's not much people see my posts. But I'm gratefully my post will last long because it stands on Blogger. We know blogger it's so long, and I hope it will be better for the future.

So the article for now, it's about TextView Android. I have an app called To Do List. There's a fragment calendar where you can click the day and you will be directed to the date in list view fragment task lists. So it's very helpful for users to choose where they want to see data according to date. Like images above what I mean about.

For making user friendly app. I give a little bit animation blink, so user will notice where the date of header position. The code for this animation, it's simple. It's just a few lines. So don't expect it's too hard to try. You can customize this animation according to your app wanna be.

This is the code guys.

I use AlphaAnimation class. Set your duration, offset, repeat mode and repeat count. Then start your animation. I have tried and It worked. You maybe want to test it in my app To Do List and To Go List. It's avaiable on Google Play Store. Enjoy. Have a good day.

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