Sharing AFK ARENA Game That I Play Everyday

Hello guys, today I doesn't share about tutorial coding. I keep it for next week, because I want to have variation in my blog. I love playing game to waste time when I'm waiting to do something and make me not bored. I played many mobile games before that I shared sometimes on youtube like Mobile Legends, PUBG, Ragnarak Eternal and World of Kings.

World of kings is latest game I've played genre MMPORG. It's consuming so much time and I stopped then. Fortunely I found a good game that we can play anytime in everyday. It's called AFK ARENA. It's released on April 2019. It's mobile games that created Lilith. The developer is good because they sometimes heard the comunity.

There are two forums that I followed about this facebook and reddit. I played this game last year september month I think. It's about 5 months so far. I created four accounts because I like it to do daily and when we draw to get heroes card. That's making sick for hoping RNG hahaha. That's what community said.

This game is actually very fun, but after you play long time. You'll be stuck on big chapter and there's tips and trick to do it. I found a good tutorial for this game on google  On my youtube I only share what I like want to share like hard stage that I completed or some best pool that I got.

If you like to play this game, you can play it on computer using emulator or just on your smartphone android and iOS. You can create as many as account you like and easy to change it when you want to switch others.

Maybe next I will post about trading or some movies that I have already watched and then I make recommendation about movie that I like. Thanks for reading my simple blog, I hope you have great day.

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