
Showing posts from December, 2018

How to get username instagram from url Swift 4.2

I have a problem in my project where I have to get username instagram from url. I think it's easy to do it because there is google that always helps us haha :D. But after i searched it on google, I got one but you know I can't just copy the regex, you need to understand what's really going on about the code. So I finally success to get the username and I want to share with you guys. I just share the method not full class. Here we go...

My Custom WKWebView for Mobile Version View ( Image and Height Adjustment ) Swift 4.2

Good day guys, today I wanna share with you my cusom WKWebView that has been used by me. It works great with any webiste that doesn't support width or height image for mobile version. So check it out.

The Safest Multiple UIAlertController in For Loop Swift 4.2

If you want to show many alerts for in loop. You can use recursive becuse it's more simple and not complicated. I found the way on stackoverflow and it works like a champ. But it doesn't work when i use present to view controller and then show alert. It's like method present UIViewController only wants one work at the time. So i do this way you can see below code.

UICollectionView and UIPageControl With Video And Image Swift 4.2

Hello guys, today I want to share with you more complicated tutorial. Because you need to understand coding basic. I don't explain you how to use UICollectionView or UIPageControl. I will share you with you how to combine them to make a good application. So let's do it now :D. Fasten your selbet. This is the screenshoot how UICollectionView combine with UIPageControl and it shows video and image through UIPageControl.