
Showing posts from January, 2021

Show searchable_dropdown Widget Without Using Dropdown But Button

Hello guys, My first post for this year and today I'm gonna show you how to use searchable_dropdown  package when they only show the searchble_dropdown through dropdown, but actually if you look closer inside the package you can find DropdownDialog which is you can implement ShowDialog to show it without using Dropdown. In this useful package, you don't need to implement your own search because it's provided by the package. You only need to provide the data to the widget. That's what I like about this plugin or package. It's very useful because I used this for my app Food Today where the use can search food categories using this plugin and there's textfield where you can type the category you want to show. As you can see on the video above where I click search button then showing searchable dialog. It's not hard to do luckily. First of course you need to install the package searchble_dropdown in pubspec.yaml and don't forget to do "flutter pub get&q