
Showing posts from June, 2021

Upgrade My Projects to Flutter 2.0 Experience And It Suprises Me

Hi all, this post I'm gonna share what I encounter when upgrading the project to flutter. Especially this app Food Today. That's been around 1 years in App Store and Play Store. The app helps people to capture moment with their daily foods so they can control it as food diary. Other than that there's food holiday everyday that will inspire you to eat what foods for today. Still a lot of features that you can get. Just try it. I have an issue on iOS where I need to update my pod file to make platform :ios, '11.0'. Before It's 9.0, I think now 9.0 is deprecated and we can't use it anymore for the next updated plugin. Like I used a lot firebase feature. And so thare are coding adjusment that will break your code that you need to read the their docs. But usually there's error message in console about proper way to solve it. Now like snackbar from flutter need to be changed according to the new one,