
Showing posts from 2015

Compilation Funky Papua Robot

A short funny video accidentally made when We were trying to dance like funky papua.

How to undo last commit Git

I got the tutorial from stackoverflow again. I just want to take the solution here so that I can easily search it. This is the solution link : This is the answer that I have tried : If you want to permanently undo it and you have cloned some repository The commit id can be seen by git log Then you can do - git reset --hard <commit_id> git push origin <branch_name> -f

Gitignore If Using Maven, Netbeans, and JAVA

Here i want to share my expierence about using git. If you store your source code in git in particular using IDE or Maven. You need to discard some files which are the result of genereted build program. This is that you have to store in your .gitignore file.

Books of Programming

These are the list of my programming books that I have read in 2012-2014.Hope it will be helpful for you.I designed these pictures using photoshop when I was taking photoshop sertification.I know I'm not good enough to design but I've tried the best :D.

“java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space” Using Maven build in Netbeans Linux

I'd been searching to solve this problem in hours, then I finally found out the way.I was using netbeans as IDE and maven to build my java web program.I was actually using jetty to run my java web program that produce this error.I hope it can help you too. This is the reference , but I'm gonna show you how to do that in Netbeans IDE. In Netbeans set your Maven Home same with your terminal, here the way to find where the path Maven Home :

Spring Security Problem Cannot Use Method POST

I have expirenced this problem when I was developing my web application using that framework.After I searched on google, I found the solution in stackoverflow.The solution is : You need to add the following parameter to the end of your action form : ?${_csrf.parameterName}=${_csrf.token}