
Showing posts from August, 2020

Create Landing Page for My App Food Today Using Firebase Hosting

Hello guys, I'm excited this month because my app Food Today now has landing page. The best thing is usually I used to host my website using heroku like kontaku app. Today I'm gonna share how I create my landing page easy way. First you need to go to console firebase. Make sure you have your own project. It's ok for now if you don't have any apps. Get your own template for landing page. I used Nova Free Theme  for my landing page. I found it free and beatiful, so I used it. I don't have much pages, it's only three actually. There are home, privacy policy and term & conditions. And I design my home page as simple as I could. One screenshoot of my app and title text and description. Two images logo to download my app App Store and Google Play. After that create your own directory for your landing page. Instal firebase CLI then in your command prompt run firebase init choose hosting. There's a folder called Public, that's where you insert your html file

App runs fine on debug mode but when releasing on Play Store force close Flutter

It's been almost two weeks, I released my app Food Today on Play Store and App Store and I created my landing page too using firebase hosting . It's quite fun to do everthing with firebase and flutter. It's like creating start up. I still need an idea to improve this app better again.  I have an expierence where I need to analayze my code that's on Play Store. Because the error only happened when I installed my app on Play Store. Fortunely I can check my app internally through Play Store developer. So I didn't need to release it to play store because It will much time waiting to be reviewed.  Now I've been waiting my app reviewed, It's almost two days. I think it's my first time waiting my app to be reviewed for almost more than one day. The update that I did is to add ML kit feature to detect food when user is trying to add food photo in discover food. Updated now it's been updated on Play Store. I usually write my blog a few d